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Discover the Intimate Emotions of Mental Illness in 'How It Feels to Float': A Captivating Read

How It Feels To Float

Experience the overwhelming emotions of a teenage girl struggling with mental illness in How It Feels To Float, a poignant and powerful novel.

Have you ever felt like you're floating in the middle of nowhere? Like everything around you is moving, but you're not? That's exactly how it feels to float. It's a sensation that's hard to explain, but once you experience it, you'll understand what I mean. It's like being in a dream state where the world around you is hazy and blurry, and you're just trying to make sense of it all.

At first, it can be scary to feel like you're floating. You might feel like you're losing control or that you're going crazy. But as you start to get used to it, you realize that it's actually quite peaceful. It's like your mind is taking a break from reality, and you can just relax and let go.

One of the best things about floating is that it gives you a chance to disconnect from the world. In our fast-paced society, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We're constantly bombarded with information, notifications, and distractions. But when you're floating, all of that fades away, and you're left with just your thoughts.

Speaking of thoughts, floating is a great way to clear your mind. It's like hitting the reset button on your brain. All of those worries and stresses that were weighing you down before suddenly don't seem so important anymore. You can just let them go and focus on the present moment.

Of course, floating isn't just about relaxation and meditation. It can also be a lot of fun! There's something exhilarating about feeling weightless and free. It's like being a kid again, jumping on a trampoline or swinging on a swing set. You can let loose and have a good time without any judgment or self-consciousness.

One of the things I love about floating is that it's a unique experience. It's not something you can replicate anywhere else. Sure, you can meditate or take a bath, but it's not the same as floating in a sensory deprivation tank. It's a one-of-a-kind experience that's hard to describe until you've tried it yourself.

Another benefit of floating is that it can help with physical pain and discomfort. When you're floating, your body is completely supported by the water, which takes the pressure off your joints and muscles. This can be especially beneficial for people with chronic pain conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia.

But perhaps the biggest benefit of floating is the sense of clarity and perspective it can give you. When you're floating, you have the time and space to reflect on your life and your goals. You can think about what's really important to you and what you want to achieve. It's like having a mini-therapy session without actually talking to anyone.

Overall, I would highly recommend giving floating a try. It's not for everyone, but if you're curious about it, I say go for it! Who knows, you might just discover a new way to relax and recharge.


Have you ever had the chance to float? I'm not talking about floating in a pool, but the sensation of being weightless and effortlessly suspended in the air. If you haven't experienced it yet, let me tell you, it's quite a unique feeling. I had the chance to try it out recently, and boy was it an experience like no other!

The Setup

Before I get into the details of how it felt to float, let me give you a quick rundown of how it all works. Floating involves entering a sensory deprivation tank, which is essentially a small, enclosed pool filled with highly concentrated salt water. The water is heated to skin temperature, and the idea is that once you're inside, you'll feel completely weightless and free from any external stimuli.

The First Few Minutes

When I first got into the tank and closed the door behind me, I have to admit, I was a little bit nervous. It's not every day that you find yourself in a pitch-black, soundproof room, after all. But as soon as I lay back and felt the water start to support my body, I began to relax. At first, it felt strange to be floating without any effort, but after a few minutes, I started to get used to it.

The Sensation of Weightlessness

The most striking thing about floating is just how weightless you feel. It's like you're suspended in mid-air, with nothing holding you down or weighing you down. There's no pressure on your joints or muscles, and you feel completely free. It's hard to describe, but it's almost like you're weightless in both body and mind.

Freedom from Gravity

As someone who spends a lot of time sitting at a desk or hunched over a computer, the feeling of being free from gravity was a real treat. Without any pressure on my joints or muscles, it felt like I was truly able to relax for the first time in ages. I could stretch out my limbs and move around without any effort, and it was incredibly liberating.

Time Becomes Meaningless

One of the most surprising things about floating was just how quickly time seemed to pass. When you're floating in complete darkness and silence, it's hard to tell how much time has gone by. It could have been five minutes or an hour, and I wouldn't have been able to tell you. It was almost like time had ceased to exist, and I was just existing in a moment of pure relaxation and stillness.

A Sense of Peace

Another thing I noticed while floating was just how peaceful I felt. Without any external stimuli to distract me, I was able to focus on my thoughts and just be present in the moment. I wasn't worrying about anything or thinking about what I had to do later in the day - I was just existing in a moment of pure peace and tranquility.

The Power of Breathing

As I floated there, I started to focus on my breathing. In the silence of the tank, the sound of my breath seemed incredibly loud, and I found myself taking slow, deep breaths without even thinking about it. It was almost like I was meditating, and I could feel my body relaxing more and more with each breath.

Coming Back to Reality

As much as I would have loved to stay in that state of relaxation forever, eventually, my time in the tank came to an end. When I emerged from the water and stepped back into the real world, it felt like a shock to my system. The noise and light seemed overwhelming after the stillness of the tank, and it took me a few minutes to adjust.

Reflections on the Experience

Looking back on my experience of floating, I have to say, it was unlike anything I've ever experienced before. The sense of weightlessness and freedom from gravity was incredibly liberating, and the feeling of peace and tranquility was something I'll never forget. If you ever have the chance to try it out for yourself, I highly recommend it - just be prepared for a truly unique experience!


In conclusion, floating is an experience that everyone should try at least once in their lives. It's a chance to escape from the stresses and distractions of everyday life and just exist in a moment of pure relaxation and stillness. If you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, I highly recommend giving it a try - who knows, you might just find your new favorite way to unwind!

Feelin' Groovy... Until You Realize You're Floating

Have you ever had one of those moments where you feel like everything is going your way? Like you're on top of the world, or in this case, on top of the water? That's how it feels to float. It's like you're weightless, carefree, and all your worries just float away with you. But let me tell you, that feeling can quickly turn into panic when you realize you have no control over where you're going, or how fast you're moving.

The Perks of Avoiding Gravity

Despite the occasional fear of floating away into oblivion, there are some major perks to avoiding gravity. For starters, you get a whole new perspective on the world around you. Suddenly, everything looks different from up here. Trees look smaller, clouds look closer, and the ground seems like a distant memory. Plus, you don't have to worry about pesky things like tripping over your own two feet or stepping in puddles. You're literally above all that nonsense.

Float Like a Butterfly, Stumble Like a Drunkard

Of course, floating isn't all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, it can be downright difficult at times. Balancing yourself on the water is like trying to stand on a beach ball while wearing roller skates. It's a delicate dance between staying afloat and falling flat on your face. And let's not forget about the waves. One minute you're peacefully floating along, and the next you're being tossed around like a ragdoll in a washing machine.

The Great Balancing Act: Floating Edition

If you're anything like me, you probably spend a good chunk of your time trying not to fall over. Floating takes that struggle to a whole new level. Suddenly, you're not just trying to balance your own body, but all the items you brought with you too. Your phone, your sunscreen, your sunglasses - they all become potential hazards when you're floating. One wrong move and they could all be lost to the depths of the water forever.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Float on Them

Despite the challenges, there's something undeniably freeing about floating. It's like all your problems are left on the shore, and you're free to just exist in the moment. The sound of water lapping against your skin, the warmth of the sun on your face, the gentle sway of the waves - it all combines to create a sense of peace that's hard to find anywhere else. So when life gets tough, and it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, just remember: sometimes all you need to do is float.

The Floating Escape: Breaking Free From Reality

There's a reason why people say they feel like they're in a different world when they're floating. It's like you've escaped reality for a little while, and entered a world where everything is a little softer, a little gentler, and a lot more peaceful. It's a chance to disconnect from the chaos of everyday life, and just be present in the moment. And let's be honest, we could all use a little bit of that every now and then.

From the Ground to the Clouds: A Floaty Adventure

Floating might seem like a small thing, but it can lead to some pretty big adventures. Maybe you'll float down a lazy river and discover hidden coves along the way. Maybe you'll venture out into the ocean and find yourself surrounded by dolphins. Maybe you'll just float in your backyard pool and have a deep, philosophical conversation with a rubber duck. The possibilities are endless when you're floating.

Puddle Jumping, But Make It Float

If you're a fan of jumping in puddles, then floating is basically the grown-up version of that. Except instead of splashing around in muddy water, you're gliding across the surface of the water like a graceful swan (or maybe more like a clumsy duck, depending on your level of coordination). Either way, it's a lot of fun.

The Struggle of Holding Onto Your Belongings While Floating

One of the biggest challenges of floating is keeping all your stuff together. As someone who has lost more than one pair of sunglasses to the watery depths, I can attest to the struggle of trying to keep track of everything while you're floating. It's like trying to juggle a bunch of balls while standing on one foot - not impossible, but definitely tricky.

Living on Cloud Nine, Without the Actual Cloud or Nine

At the end of the day, floating is all about finding a little slice of heaven in an otherwise chaotic world. It's about letting go of your worries, embracing the moment, and just enjoying the sensation of being weightless. So the next time you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just in need of a little escape, grab a floatie and head to the nearest body of water. Trust me, you won't regret it.

How It Feels To Float: A Hilarious Tale

The Story

It was a beautiful summer day and I decided to take a dip in the ocean. As I swam out further, I suddenly felt a strange sensation. It was as if my body was weightless and I was floating effortlessly on top of the water. At first, I was terrified. Was I drowning? But then I realized that this was something else entirely. I was experiencing what is known as sensory deprivation or floating.

As I lay there, I felt completely relaxed and at peace. The sound of the waves became muffled and distant, and the world around me faded away. It was just me and the water. For a moment, I felt like I was one with the universe.

But then, as I tried to move my arms and legs, I realized that I was completely paralyzed. Panic set in as I struggled to move, but it was no use. I was stuck.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I heard a voice from behind me.

Hey buddy, you okay?

I turned my head to see a lifeguard staring down at me, looking concerned.

Uh, yeah. I think so,

I managed to say, embarrassed that I had gotten myself into such a predicament.

You're floating, man. It's a thing. Some people pay good money for this,

the lifeguard said, chuckling.

I was relieved to hear that I wasn't in danger, but still annoyed at myself for getting stuck. As the lifeguard helped me back to shore, I couldn't help but think about the absurdity of the situation. Here I was, floating like a dead body, and people actually paid to experience this!

The Point of View

The point of view in this story is first person, as it is told from the perspective of the protagonist who experiences floating for the first time. The humorous voice and tone add to the overall lightheartedness of the story, making it an enjoyable read.

Table Information


  • Floating
  • Sensory deprivation
  • Ocean
  • Lifeguard
  • Paralyzed
  • Panic
  • Humorous

Closing Message: Thank You For Floating With Me!

Well, dear blog visitors, we have come to the end of our floating journey together. I hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did. It was a pleasure sharing with you how it feels to float and the ups and downs of my experience.

Thank you for joining me in this adventure and for taking the time to read my words. I appreciate your support and willingness to be part of my journey. Your comments and feedback have been invaluable to me, and I am grateful for every single one of them.

As I sit here writing these final words, I can't help but feel a sense of sadness that our journey has come to an end. It feels like saying goodbye to a friend who has been with me through thick and thin. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and so does our floating journey.

But don't worry, dear visitors, I am not disappearing into thin air. You can still find me here, writing about my life experiences, and sharing my thoughts and ideas with you. Who knows, maybe we will embark on another journey together soon?

Before we part ways, I want to leave you with a few parting words. Life is an adventure, and sometimes it feels like we are floating through it, not knowing where we will end up. But that's okay. Embrace the uncertainty, enjoy the ride, and don't forget to look around and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

Remember that floating is not just about being weightless; it's also about letting go of your fears and worries and allowing yourself to be present in the moment. So, the next time you feel like you're floating through life, embrace it, enjoy it, and remember that you are not alone.

Thank you, once again, for floating with me. It has been an honor and a privilege to share this journey with you. Until next time, take care, be kind to yourself, and keep on floating!

People Also Ask: How It Feels To Float

What is How It Feels To Float?

Answer: How It Feels To Float is a young adult novel written by Helena Fox. It tells the story of Biz, a teenage girl who struggles with her mental health and identity.

Is How It Feels To Float a sad book?

Answer: Well, it certainly has its moments. But it's not all doom and gloom. In fact, there are plenty of funny, uplifting, and heartwarming moments throughout the book.

Does How It Feels To Float have a happy ending?

Answer: Spoiler alert: Yes! While the journey to get there isn't always easy, Biz ultimately finds a way to heal and find happiness.

Is How It Feels To Float a good book?

Answer: Absolutely! It has received great reviews and has been praised for its raw and honest portrayal of mental health issues. Plus, it's just a really well-written and engaging story.

Can I relate to How It Feels To Float even if I don't struggle with mental health issues?

Answer: Definitely! While the book does center around Biz's mental health struggles, it's also a universal story about growing up, figuring out who you are, and learning to navigate the challenges that life throws your way.

Will How It Feels To Float make me cry?

Answer: Hmm, that's hard to say. Some readers have definitely shed a tear or two while reading it, but others have found it more uplifting than sad. Either way, it's definitely an emotional read.

Is How It Feels To Float appropriate for younger readers?

Answer: While the book is marketed toward young adults, some of the themes and language may not be suitable for younger readers. It deals with heavy topics like suicide and self-harm, so parents should use their discretion.

Can I recommend How It Feels To Float to my book club?

Answer: Absolutely! It's a great choice for a book club discussion, as there are plenty of thought-provoking themes and topics to explore. Plus, it's just a really well-written and engaging story (did we mention that already?).

Will reading How It Feels To Float make me a better person?

Answer: Well, we can't make any guarantees, but it certainly can't hurt! The book offers a lot of insight into mental health issues and the struggles that many people face, which can help foster empathy and understanding. Plus, it's just a really good read, so that's always a plus.