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Unlock the Secrets: Learn How to Make Animals in Little Alchemy 1

How To Make Animal In Little Alchemy 1

Get creative & make your own unique animals in Little Alchemy 1! Combine elements to create new creatures and expand your world. Learn how now.

Are you tired of making the same old boring elements in Little Alchemy 1? Well, why not shake things up and create an animal! Not only is it a fun challenge, but it also adds a new level of excitement to the game. So, let's dive into the world of Little Alchemy and learn how to make an animal.

First things first, we need some basic elements to start with. You'll need to have access to air, earth, fire, and water. These are the building blocks for all elements in the game, including animals. Now, let's get started.

To make an animal, we need to combine two elements to create a new one. The first element we'll need is earth. Combine earth with air to create dust. It may seem strange, but trust me, this is the first step in creating an animal.

Next, we'll need to create life. Combine air with fire to create energy, then combine energy with water to create life. Congratulations, you've just created the essence of life!

Now that we have the building blocks, it's time to get creative. To make a dog, combine life with domestication. To make a cat, combine life with hunter. To make a bird, combine life with sky.

But what about more exotic animals, like a unicorn or a dragon? Well, those require a bit more creativity. To make a unicorn, combine horse with magic. And for a dragon, combine lizard with fire.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But wait, how do I combine these elements? It's simple, really. Just drag and drop the elements onto each other in the right order. Make sure you're using the correct combination, or else you'll end up with a completely different element.

But what if you're still struggling to make an animal? Don't worry, there are plenty of resources available to help. You can find guides online or even download the Little Alchemy app for your phone or tablet.

So, there you have it. With a little bit of creativity and some basic elements, you can create your very own animal in Little Alchemy 1. Who knows, maybe you'll discover a new favorite element along the way!

Just remember to have fun and let your imagination run wild. After all, that's what Little Alchemy is all about.


Little Alchemy is a fun game that allows you to create new things by combining elements. It is a perfect game for those who love puzzles and want to test their creativity. One of the many things you can create in Little Alchemy is animals. In this article, we will show you how to make animals in Little Alchemy 1.

The Basic Elements

Before we get into making animals, let's go over the basic elements that you will need. In Little Alchemy, there are four basic elements: air, earth, fire, and water. These elements can be combined to create new elements. For example, water and fire can be combined to create steam. You will need to use these basic elements to create animals.

Creating Land Animals

To create land animals, you will need to combine different elements. To create a dog, for example, you will need to combine wolf and domestication. To create a cat, you will need to combine mouse and domestication. You can also create other land animals such as cows, horses, and pigs. Just remember to think outside of the box and experiment with different combinations.

Creating Sea Creatures

If you want to create sea creatures, you will need to combine water with other elements. To create a fish, you will need to combine water and animal. To create a whale, you will need to combine water and mammal. You can also create other sea creatures such as sharks, dolphins, and octopuses. Again, don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations.

Creating Birds

To create birds, you will need to combine air with other elements. To create a chicken, you will need to combine bird and domestication. To create a penguin, you will need to combine bird and ice. You can also create other birds such as eagles, owls, and ducks.

Creating Mythical Creatures

If you want to get really creative, you can also create mythical creatures in Little Alchemy. To create a unicorn, you will need to combine horse and magic. To create a dragon, you will need to combine lizard and fire. You can also create other mythical creatures such as griffins and mermaids.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you create animals in Little Alchemy:

1. Experiment with different combinations.

Don't be afraid to try different combinations until you find the right one.

2. Use your imagination.

Think outside of the box and come up with creative combinations.

3. Don't forget about the basic elements.

The basic elements such as air, earth, fire, and water can be combined in many different ways to create new elements.

4. Have fun!

Remember that Little Alchemy is a game, so enjoy the process of creating new things.


In conclusion, making animals in Little Alchemy is a fun and creative process. Whether you want to create land animals, sea creatures, birds, or even mythical creatures, there are endless possibilities. Just remember to experiment with different combinations, use your imagination, and most importantly, have fun!

How To Make Animal In Little Alchemy 1

First things first: Do not try to turn your pet into gold. I know it sounds tempting, but trust me, you don't want to end up with a shiny paperweight instead of a furry friend. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about how to make animals in Little Alchemy.

Step 1: Keep It Simple

No, the answer isn't just add water. This isn't a Chia Pet. Sorry, no assembling of animal parts allowed. This ain't Frankenstein's lab. The key to making animals in Little Alchemy is to start with the basics: earth, fire, water, and air. Leave the unicorn horns and dragon scales for another day. Remember, we're playing a game here, not practicing witchcraft.

Step 2: Basic Needs

Don't expect a live animal to pop up on your screen. We're dealing with elements here, not biology. That being said, animals need food and shelter too. You can't just create a lion and expect it to fend for itself in the jungle. Try combining grass and sun to make a field, or tree and house to make a birdhouse. Get creative!

Step 3: Trial and Error

Be prepared for some trial and error. Hey, even God took six days to create the world. Don't get discouraged if your attempts at making a hippopotamus result in a hedgehog. Keep experimenting and see what works. And if you find yourself stuck, take a break and ask your real-life pet for inspiration. They may just surprise you.

Step 4: Don't Ask PETA

Whatever you do, do not ask PETA for help. Trust me, it's not worth the angry emails. Stick to the game and use your imagination. Who knows, maybe you'll create a new species that will make Darwin roll in his grave.

Step 5: Have Fun With It

Lastly, remember to have fun with it. Making animals out of elements may not be the most productive use of your time, but it sure beats watching cat videos on YouTube all day. So go ahead, mix some elements and see what kind of critters you can come up with. Who knows, maybe you'll discover the next big thing in the animal kingdom. Or maybe you'll just end up with a platypus. Either way, it's all in good fun.

How to Make Animal in Little Alchemy 1: A Humorous Guide

The Basics of Little Alchemy 1

If you're not familiar with Little Alchemy 1, let me fill you in. It's a game where you combine elements to create new ones. Simple, right? Well, sometimes the combinations can get a little wacky. For example, combining fire and water creates steam. And combining air and earth creates dust. Now, let's talk about animals.

Animal Combinations

Creating an animal in Little Alchemy 1 is actually pretty easy. All you need to do is combine two basic elements: life and land. Sounds simple enough, right? But wait, it gets better! Here are some silly ways to remember this combination:

  1. Life + Land = Livestock (because, well, livestock typically live on land)
  2. Life + Land = Lawnmower (because, you know, lawnmowers help maintain the land)
  3. Life + Land = Lawyer (because lawyers deal with legal matters, which often pertain to land)

Okay, maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea. Now, let's move on to some common animal combinations.


One of the first animals you'll probably want to make in Little Alchemy 1 is a cow. To do so, simply combine livestock (life + land) with milk (time + livestock). Voila! You've got yourself a cow.


Want to make a bird? Combine egg (life + stone) with air. Easy peasy.


For a dog, combine wolf (wild animal + moon) with house (wall + roof). Now you've got a furry friend to keep you company.

In Conclusion

And there you have it, folks. How to make animal in Little Alchemy 1. Just remember, if at first you don't succeed, try again. And if that doesn't work, just start combining random elements and see what happens. Who knows? You might just stumble upon a unicorn or a dragon. Happy alchemizing!

Farewell, Fellow Alchemists!

Well, my friends, it's time to bid farewell. I hope you have enjoyed reading this guide on how to make animals in Little Alchemy 1. I know I've had a blast writing it!

I mean, who knew that combining various elements could create a whole zoo of creatures? From the classic cat and dog to the more exotic unicorn and phoenix, the possibilities are endless.

But let's not forget about the process. Sure, we all want to get to the end result, but half the fun is in the experimentation. It's like being a mad scientist, only without the risk of an explosion (hopefully).

So, my fellow alchemists, go forth and mix and match to your heart's content. And if you get stuck, don't worry. You can always come back and consult this guide for a little inspiration.

Now, before I go, I want to share some final tips and tricks that might come in handy.

Firstly, don't be afraid to try new combinations. Sometimes the most unlikely pairings can yield the most surprising results.

Secondly, pay attention to the order in which you combine elements. Sometimes, switching up the order can make all the difference.

Thirdly, don't forget about the basic elements. While it's tempting to focus solely on the animals, you need other elements to create them.

Lastly, have fun! Little Alchemy 1 is all about experimentation and discovery. So, let your inner child run wild and see where your imagination takes you.

With that said, it's time for me to sign off. I hope you have found this guide informative and entertaining. And who knows? Maybe one day you'll stumble upon a combination that even I haven't discovered yet.

Until then, happy alchemizing!

How To Make Animal In Little Alchemy 1: The Ultimate Guide

Are you struggling to make an animal in Little Alchemy 1?

Don't worry, you're not alone. Many players get stuck on this one. But fear not, we've got you covered with this ultimate guide to making an animal.

Step 1: Get the Basics Right

Before we start, let's get the basics sorted. In Little Alchemy 1, you start with four basic elements: air, earth, fire, and water. You can combine these elements to create over 500 different items, including animals.

Step 2: Combine Elements

To make an animal, you need to combine two basic elements. The most common combination is wild animal and forest. Simply drag and drop these elements onto each other to create an animal.

Step 3: Experiment

If the above combination doesn't work for you, don't worry. There are a few other combinations that can also create an animal. Try combining human and beast or livestock and life to see if they work for you.

Step 4: Have Fun

Remember, Little Alchemy 1 is all about experimentation and having fun. Don't worry if you don't get the animal on your first try. Keep experimenting and trying new combinations until you find the one that works for you.

What are some fun animals to make in Little Alchemy 1?

There are plenty of fun animals you can make in Little Alchemy 1. Here are some of our favorites:

  1. Unicorn: Combine horse and rainbow to create this magical creature.
  2. Dragon: Combine fire and lizard to create this ferocious beast.
  3. Mermaid: Combine human and fish to create this mystical creature.
  4. Hippogriff: Combine eagle and horse to create this majestic creature.
  5. Pegasus: Combine bird and horse to create this winged horse.

Why won't my animal combine in Little Alchemy 1?

If your animal won't combine in Little Alchemy 1, there could be a few reasons why:

  • You're missing one of the required elements. Make sure you have both elements needed to create the animal.
  • You're not combining the elements correctly. Make sure you're dragging and dropping the elements onto each other in the correct order.
  • Your game is glitching. Try restarting the game or playing on a different device.

If none of these solutions work, don't worry. You can always try a different combination to create an animal.


Making an animal in Little Alchemy 1 can be a bit tricky, but with the right combinations and a little experimentation, you'll be able to create all sorts of fun creatures. Remember to have fun and don't get too frustrated if you don't get it on your first try.