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Discover How To Create A Wild Animal In Little Alchemy - The Ultimate Guide

How To Make A Wild Animal In Little Alchemy

Learn how to create a wild animal in Little Alchemy with our step-by-step guide. Combine elements and unleash your inner alchemist!

Are you tired of making the same old combinations in Little Alchemy? Why not spice things up and try creating a wild animal? It's not as difficult as it may seem, and with a little humor and creativity, you'll have a new creature to add to your collection. So grab your virtual lab coat and let's get started!

First things first, you'll need to combine some basic elements to create the building blocks for your animal. Start with earth and fire to make lava, then mix that with air to create stone. Combine stone with water to make sand, and add in a little bit of life to create a beach. Voila! You now have the perfect habitat for your wild animal.

Next, it's time to choose what kind of animal you want to create. Do you want a ferocious predator or a gentle herbivore? Maybe something in between? The possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to get creative. For this example, let's go with a classic: the lion.

To make a lion, you'll need to combine a few different elements. Start with cat and wild animal to make tiger, then add in some desert to create a sandy tiger. Mix that with a little bit of royalty to make a royal sandy tiger, and finally, combine that with sun to create a lion. Congratulations, you've just made a wild animal!

But why stop there? You can continue to experiment and create all sorts of different wild animals. What about a zebra? Combine horse and wild animal to make zebra, and then mix that with stripes to create a striped zebra. Or how about a gorilla? Combine monkey and forest to make a wild monkey, then add in some strength to create a strong wild monkey, and finally mix that with earth to make a gorilla.

Don't forget to have fun with your creations! Maybe you want to make a silly animal like a unicorn or a dragon. Or perhaps you want to try making a mythical creature like a centaur or a mermaid. The beauty of Little Alchemy is that you can let your imagination run wild and see what kind of combinations you come up with.

If you're feeling stuck, don't be afraid to consult the hints in the game. They can give you some ideas for new combinations to try. And if you still can't figure it out, there are plenty of resources online that can help you.

So go ahead, give it a try! Making wild animals in Little Alchemy is a fun and exciting way to explore the game and unlock new possibilities. Who knows, you may even discover your new favorite creature.

Just remember, the key to success is to keep experimenting and to approach the game with a sense of humor. So don't be afraid to make mistakes and try again. After all, that's what makes Little Alchemy so addictively fun.

Happy creating!


Welcome to the world of Little Alchemy, where you can create anything your heart desires. From unicorns to dragons, from rainbows to storms, you can bring all your wildest dreams to life. But have you ever wondered how to make a wild animal in Little Alchemy? If so, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you step-by-step on how to make a wild animal in Little Alchemy.

Step 1: Create a Forest

The first step in creating a wild animal is to create a forest. To do this, you will need to combine two elements: tree and plant. The tree is easy to find, as it is one of the basic elements in the game. The plant, on the other hand, can be created by combining grass and earth. Once you have both elements, simply drag them onto each other to create a forest.

Why a Forest?

You might be wondering why you need to create a forest to make a wild animal. Well, the truth is that wild animals thrive in natural habitats. A forest provides shelter, food, and protection for many different types of animals. So, if you want to make a wild animal, you need to create a forest first.

Step 2: Add Water

Now that you have a forest, it's time to add some water. Wild animals need water to survive, so this is an essential step. You can create water by combining two elements: air and steam. Simply drag the air onto the steam to create water.

Where to Put the Water?

Once you have water, you need to add it to the forest. But where should you put it? The best place to put the water is in the center of the forest. This will create a natural pond or lake, which many wild animals love to swim in and drink from.

Step 3: Add Animals

Now that you have a forest and water, it's time to add some animals. To create a wild animal, you need to combine two elements: animal and forest. The animal is another basic element in the game, while the forest you have already created in step 1. Simply drag the animal onto the forest to create a wild animal.

What Kind of Animal?

The type of animal you create will depend on the animal element you choose. There are many different types of animals in Little Alchemy, including birds, insects, and mammals. You can experiment with different combinations to see what kind of wild animal you can create.

Step 4: Add Grass

Now that you have a wild animal, it's time to add some grass. Grass is an essential part of a wild animal's diet, so you need to make sure your forest has plenty of it. You can create grass by combining two elements: plant and earth. Simply drag the plant onto the earth to create grass.

Why Grass?

Grass is important for two reasons. Firstly, it provides food for herbivorous animals such as deer and rabbits. Secondly, it provides cover for predators such as lions and tigers. By adding grass to your forest, you are creating a more realistic habitat for your wild animal.

Step 5: Add Rocks

The final step in creating a wild animal is to add some rocks. Rocks provide shelter and protection for many different types of animals. You can create rocks by combining two elements: stone and air. Simply drag the stone onto the air to create rocks.

Where to Put the Rocks?

You can add rocks anywhere in your forest, but it's best to place them in areas where wild animals are likely to seek shelter. This could be near the water, under trees, or in rocky outcrops. By adding rocks to your forest, you are creating a more realistic and natural habitat for your wild animal.


Congratulations! You have successfully created a wild animal in Little Alchemy. By following these simple steps, you have created a natural habitat that provides food, shelter, and protection for your wild animal. Remember, there are many different types of animals you can create in Little Alchemy, so don't be afraid to experiment and see what kind of creatures you can come up with. Have fun!

How To Make A Wild Animal In Little Alchemy

Are you tired of creating the same old animals in Little Alchemy? Do you want to add a little bit of excitement to your creations? Well, look no further! We have the recipe for creating a wild animal that will make all your friends jealous. Here's how to do it:

Start with the basics - elements, not animal friends

Let's start at the beginning. To create a wild animal, we need to start with the basic elements - water, fire, and earth. No, we won't be adding any tigers, lions or bears to the mix - just plain old elements.

Let's give that fire some teeth

A wild animal needs to be a little bit menacing, right? So, let's add some fire to the mix. Not actual fire, of course - we don't want any accidents. Adding the fire element will give your animal some teeth and make it a bit more intimidating.

Water those claws

Claws are a must-have for any self-respecting wild animal. But just adding the claw element won't do. We need to water those bad boys up a bit. Adding a little bit of water element should do the trick and make those claws sharp and deadly.

Make it earthy, baby

To ground your wild animal, we need to add some earth element to the mix. Not actual dirt, mind you - we don't want any muddy creatures. Just the earth element works wonders and makes your animal more stable.

Add some thunder to that roar

If you want your wild animal to have a bit more oomph, add some thunder to the mix. It won't make it actually thunder, but it will make that roar sound much more intimidating. Your animal will be king of the jungle with this addition.

Give it wings to fly, baby

If you want your wild animal to soar above the competition (quite literally), add some wing elements to the mix. It doesn't matter what kind of wings - bat, dragon, bird - they all work. Your animal will be able to fly over any obstacles in its way.

Get your animal steroids - add energy

If you want your wild animal to be full of energy and power, add some energy to the mix. Think of it as steroids for your animal - except not illegal. Your animal will be able to run faster, jump higher and be more agile than ever before.

Give it a sweet tooth

Wild animals need sustenance, and what better way to get it than by adding the sugar element to the mix? It will give them a bit of a sweet tooth, but hey - it's better than being hungry, right? Your animal will be able to run faster and longer with this added boost of energy.

Spice it up with some chili

If you want to make your wild animal a bit more spicy, add the chili element to the mix. It won't make it red hot, but it will give it a little kick. Your animal will be able to intimidate even the toughest of foes.

Finish it off with some love

Finally, don't forget to add a little bit of love to the mix. It won't make your animal any wilder, but it will give it a bit of heart. And aren't all wild animals just big softies at heart? Your animal will be able to connect with its surroundings and show some love to its fellow creatures.

And there you have it - the recipe for creating a wild animal in Little Alchemy. So, what are you waiting for? Get creating and see what kind of crazy creatures you can come up with!

How To Make A Wild Animal In Little Alchemy

The Beginning of the Adventure

Once upon a time, in a world full of magic and wonder, there was a little alchemist who wanted to create a wild animal using his skills. He had all the necessary elements, but he didn't know how to combine them to create the creature he wanted. So, he set out on an adventure to learn how to make a wild animal in Little Alchemy.

The Ingredients Needed

  • Earth
  • Fire
  • Air
  • Water
  • Animal

The Journey Begins

Our little alchemist packed his bag with all the elements he needed and set out on his journey. He walked through the forest, climbed mountains, and crossed rivers. Along the way, he met many animals, but none of them were wild enough for him.

The Eureka Moment

One day, as he was sitting by a campfire, he had an idea. He realized that to create a wild animal, he needed to add the element of chaos to the mix. And what is more chaotic than a thunderstorm? So, he waited until a storm approached and collected some lightning in a bottle.

Putting It All Together

Back at his lab, our little alchemist mixed all the elements he had collected - earth, fire, air, water, animal, and lightning - in a cauldron. He stirred the mixture vigorously, and suddenly, there was a loud explosion. When the smoke cleared, there stood a majestic creature - a wild animal!

The Final Result

Our little alchemist had succeeded in creating a wild animal in Little Alchemy. It had the strength of the earth, the passion of fire, the freedom of air, the fluidity of water, and the chaos of lightning. And it was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

The End of the Adventure

And so, our little alchemist went back to his village, proud of his accomplishment. He showed off his creation to the villagers, who were amazed by its beauty and power. The little alchemist had learned that sometimes, the best things in life come from a little chaos, and that every adventure is worth taking if it leads you to your goal.

Closing Message for Little Alchemy Wild Animal Creation

Congratulations, dear visitor! You have made it to the end of our wild animal creation journey in Little Alchemy. We hope that you have learned a lot and had fun throughout this article. Making a wild animal in Little Alchemy may seem daunting at first, but with patience, creativity, and a little bit of humor, it can be done!

So, what have we learned so far? First, we need to combine two basic elements to create a predator, which is a crucial ingredient in making a wild animal. Then, we need to add other elements and think outside the box to come up with unique combinations that will transform our predator into a wild animal.

Remember, there are no wrong answers in Little Alchemy, only endless possibilities. Don't be afraid to experiment and try different combinations until you find the one that works for you. And if you get stuck, don't worry. You can always refer back to this article or ask your friends for help.

We also hope that you have enjoyed our humorous tone and voice throughout this article. We believe that learning should be fun and entertaining, and that's why we tried to infuse some humor into our writing. After all, who said science can't be funny?

Before we say goodbye, we would like to share some final tips and tricks that may help you in your Little Alchemy journey. First, try to memorize the basic elements and their combinations. This will save you time and effort when creating new elements. Second, use the hint feature if you get stuck or want to discover new combinations. And lastly, have fun and enjoy the process!

With that said, we would like to thank you for visiting our blog and reading our article. We hope that you have found it informative, entertaining, and helpful. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future articles, please don't hesitate to contact us. We always love hearing from our readers.

Until next time, keep creating and exploring the wonderful world of Little Alchemy. Who knows, maybe one day you'll discover a new element that will change the game forever. Or maybe, just maybe, you'll create the ultimate wild animal that will rule the virtual jungle. The possibilities are endless, and that's what makes Little Alchemy so fascinating and addictive!

So, go ahead and give it a try. Who knows, you might surprise yourself with what you can create.

People Also Ask About How To Make A Wild Animal In Little Alchemy

How do I make a wild animal in Little Alchemy?

Mixing two elements in Little Alchemy will create new ones. To make a wild animal, you need to combine two basic elements: animal and forest.

  • Step 1: Drag the animal element onto the game board.
  • Step 2: Drag the forest element on top of the animal element.
  • Step 3: Wait for the reaction to complete, and voila! You've made a wild animal!

What can I create with a wild animal in Little Alchemy?

A wild animal is a basic element in Little Alchemy that can be used to create many different things. Here are some examples:

  1. Forest
  2. Jungle
  3. Beast
  4. Wolf
  5. Bear

Is it possible to make a domesticated animal in Little Alchemy?

Yes, it is! To make a domesticated animal, you need to combine a wild animal and a human element. This will create a livestock element, which can then be combined with other elements to create specific domesticated animals like cows, pigs, and horses.

WARNING: Do not attempt to domesticate a wild animal in real life. Leave that to the professionals.

Can I make a mythical creature using a wild animal in Little Alchemy?

While a wild animal is a basic element, it can be combined with other elements to create more complex objects, including mythical creatures. Here are some examples:

  • Wild animal + story = unicorn
  • Wild animal + bird = griffin
  • Wild animal + metal = werewolf

DISCLAIMER: We cannot guarantee the existence of these creatures in real life.

In conclusion, Little Alchemy is a fun and creative game that allows you to make all sorts of things, from basic elements to mythical creatures. So go ahead and experiment with different combinations, and who knows what you might discover!