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Discover the Recipe for Making Flour in Little Alchemy 2 - Easy Guide for Beginners

How To Make Flour In Little Alchemy 2

Learn how to make flour in Little Alchemy 2 with our simple guide. Combine wheat and stone to create this essential ingredient for baking!

Greetings, fellow alchemists! Are you tired of running out of flour in the middle of your baking frenzy? Fear not, for today we will be discussing how to make flour in Little Alchemy 2. So grab your mortar and pestle, and let's get started!

Firstly, we need to combine two basic elements: wheat and stone. I know what you're thinking, Stone? In flour? Trust me on this one. The wheat represents the grain, while the stone represents the milling process. It's like making flour the old-fashioned way, but with a little alchemical twist.

Now that we have our wheat and stone, it's time to get grinding! Combine these two elements to create a new element: flour. Voila! You now have an endless supply of flour at your fingertips.

But wait, there's more! Did you know that you can also make flour using other methods? Let's explore some other options.

If you're feeling fancy, you can combine wheat and wind to create a windmill. Use the windmill to grind the wheat into flour. Not only is it aesthetically pleasing, but it's also a great workout for your arms.

Or, if you're feeling mischievous, you can combine wheat and dough to create bread. But don't eat it just yet! Combine the bread with a blender to create breadcrumbs. And voila, you've got yourself some homemade flour.

Now, let's talk about some common mistakes when making flour. One mistake is using the wrong type of wheat. Make sure to use the wheat element, not the wheatgrass or grass elements. Trust me, it won't end well.

Another mistake is not grinding the wheat and stone properly. Make sure to combine the two elements multiple times to ensure a fine and consistent texture. We don't want any lumps in our flour!

And lastly, be careful not to sneeze while grinding. Flour dust is no joke, my friends.

In conclusion, making flour in Little Alchemy 2 is a simple yet rewarding process. Whether you prefer the traditional method or something a little more unconventional, there are plenty of ways to create this essential ingredient. So go forth, my fellow alchemists, and bake to your heart's content!


Have you ever found yourself playing Little Alchemy 2 and wondering how to make flour? Well, look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the process of making flour. But let's make it fun and add a touch of humor to it.

Step One: Get Wheat

The first step in making flour is to get some wheat. This may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people overlook this step. So, where can you find wheat? You can find it by combining seeds and earth. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Step Two: Harvest the Wheat

Now that you have your wheat, it's time to harvest it. And no, we're not talking about going out into a field and manually harvesting wheat. That would take way too long, and we don't have the patience for that. Instead, combine your wheat with a scythe, and voila, you have harvested wheat.

Step Three: Grind the Wheat

You didn't think making flour was going to be easy, did you? The next step is to grind your harvested wheat. You can do this by combining it with a stone. Yes, a stone. We know, it sounds bizarre, but trust us, it works. Just don't ask us how or why.

Step Four: Turn Ground Wheat into Flour

Now that you have ground your wheat, it's time to turn it into flour. All you need to do is combine your ground wheat with a windmill. Wait, what? A windmill? Yes, a windmill. We didn't say making flour was going to be conventional.

Step Five: Congratulations, You Have Flour!

And there you have it, folks! You have successfully made flour in Little Alchemy 2. We hope you found this guide helpful, and we apologize for any confusion caused by our unconventional methods.

But Wait, There's More!

Now that you know how to make flour, why stop there? There are so many other combinations to discover in Little Alchemy 2. For example, did you know that combining flour with water creates dough? And combining dough with fire creates bread? The possibilities are endless!


In conclusion, making flour in Little Alchemy 2 may seem like a daunting task, but with the right ingredients and a little bit of humor, it can be a fun experience. We hope you enjoyed this guide and continue to explore all the combinations Little Alchemy 2 has to offer. Happy alchemizing!

How To Make Flour In Little Alchemy 2

So, you want to make flour in Little Alchemy 2? Well, first things first - don't expect to use a cake mix. I mean, sure, there's already flour in a cake mix but that's not the point. Little Alchemy 2 is all about mixing and matching different elements to create something new.

Step 1: Find the right combination

So, what do you need to mix to make flour? Well, there's a couple of different ways to go about it but the most common combo is stone + wheat. But, before you get started, don't confuse wheat with weed. This should go without saying but don't mix up wheat with weed. Unless you're trying to create some sort of baked good that will get you high, in which case, I can't help you.

Step 2: It's all about the grind

Once you've got your stone and wheat combo, you need to grind it up. This can be done by combining your new wheat with a stone or metal tool. The first step of grinding will create wheat, but keep grinding to turn that wheat into flour. Eventually, the wheat will become a fine powder.

Step 3: Do it by hand

If you're feeling particularly adventurous, you can mix the wheat and stone with your bare hands. Just be prepared to spend some time washing all the flour off your hands afterwards. And, while you're at it, be careful not to knead your flour too much. Over-kneading can activate the gluten in the flour, which will make your baked goods tough and chewy.

Step 4: Keep it fresh

Once you've created your flour, make sure to store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh. And by fresh, I mean free from any bugs or moisture. But, don't get too excited just yet. Okay, so you've made flour. Congrats! But don't get too excited - you're still a long way from making that perfect loaf of bread.

Step 5: Keep experimenting

The fun of Little Alchemy 2 is in mixing and matching new elements to see what happens. So, keep experimenting and who knows, maybe you'll discover a new way to make flour that the bakers of the world have never thought of before.

So, there you have it - how to make flour in Little Alchemy 2. Just remember, it's all about the grind, keeping it fresh, and most importantly, having fun. Happy mixing!

How to Make Flour in Little Alchemy 2

The Quest for Flour

Little Alchemy 2 is a game that has taken the world by storm. It allows you to combine different elements to create new ones, and it can be quite addictive. One of the most sought-after elements in the game is flour. But how do you make flour in Little Alchemy 2?

Step 1: Get Wheat

The first step in making flour is to get wheat. This can be found in the game by combining seeds and soil. Once you have wheat, you're halfway there!

Step 2: Grind the Wheat

Now that you have wheat, it's time to grind it into flour. But how? Well, you need a millstone. This can be created by combining stone and wheel. Once you have a millstone, place it next to your wheat and watch the magic happen! Your wheat will turn into flour.

Step 3: Enjoy Your Flour

Congratulations, you've successfully made flour in Little Alchemy 2! You can now use your flour to create all sorts of new elements. Why not combine it with chocolate to make a cake, or with water to make dough? The possibilities are endless!

Humorous Point of View

Making flour in Little Alchemy 2 may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! With just a few simple steps, you too can become a master baker (sort of). And let's face it, who doesn't love the smell of freshly baked bread?

So, grab your seeds and soil, and get ready to plant some wheat. Don't forget to water it, or you'll be left with a dry and sad crop. Once your wheat is grown, it's time to get grinding. No, not that kind of grinding. Get your mind out of the gutter! We're talking about using a millstone to turn your wheat into flour.

And voila! You now have flour. But don't stop there. Let your creativity run wild and combine your flour with other elements to create something truly magical (or edible). Who knows, you might even become the next Great British Bake Off champion!

Table Information

Here's a quick summary of the steps to make flour in Little Alchemy 2:

  1. Combine seeds and soil to create wheat
  2. Combine stone and wheel to create a millstone
  3. Place your wheat next to the millstone and watch it turn into flour

Remember, the key to success is patience and perseverance. Keep trying until you get it right, and don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations. Happy creating!

Get Your Flour Game on with Little Alchemy 2

Well, folks, it's been a wild ride. We've gone from basic elements like fire and water to creating complex objects like airplanes and skyscrapers. But there's one element that we can't forget about - flour. That's right, flour. And lucky for you, I'm here to give you the lowdown on how to make flour in Little Alchemy 2.

First things first, let's talk about what flour is made of. Flour is essentially ground up grains, such as wheat, corn, or rice. In Little Alchemy 2, we're going to be focusing on wheat. So, to start off, you'll need to combine two basic elements - earth and rain. This will create plants, which is the first step in making wheat.

Now that we have plants, we need to combine them with time. This makes the plants grow and mature into full-grown wheat. Congratulations, you've now created wheat! But we're not done yet.

The next step is to combine wheat with a tool. This will grind the wheat into flour. You can use any tool you want, but I personally prefer using a hammer. It just feels more satisfying. And voila! You now have flour.

But wait, there's more. Did you know that you can also use flour to create other objects in Little Alchemy 2? For example, you can combine flour with water to make dough. And then you can combine dough with fire to make bread. Or you can combine flour with eggs to make cake. The possibilities are endless!

Now, I know what you're thinking. That's all fine and dandy, but why do I need to know how to make flour in Little Alchemy 2? Well, my friend, the answer is simple. It's just plain fun. Little Alchemy 2 is all about experimentation and discovery. And who knows, maybe you'll stumble upon a combination that nobody else has ever found before.

So, go forth and make some flour. Mix it with other elements and see what happens. And most importantly, have fun. Because at the end of the day, that's what Little Alchemy 2 is all about - having fun and getting creative.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of flour-making. I hope you've learned something new and had a few laughs along the way. Until next time, keep on creating!

People Also Ask: How to Make Flour in Little Alchemy 2

What is Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 is a popular game where players combine different elements to create new items. It's a fun and addictive game that challenges your creativity and imagination.

How do I make flour in Little Alchemy 2?

Making flour in Little Alchemy 2 is quite simple. You just need two elements:

  1. Wheat
  2. Stone

Yes, you read that right. You need stone to make flour. Don't ask why, it's just the way the game works.

Can I make flour without wheat?

Nope. Sorry to disappoint you, but you can't make flour without wheat. You can try mixing other elements together, but you won't get flour. You'll just get a bunch of random stuff.

Is making flour in Little Alchemy 2 difficult?

Not at all. Making flour in Little Alchemy 2 is one of the easiest things you can do in the game. It's so simple that even a child could do it. Assuming that child has played Little Alchemy 2 before.

What can I do with flour in Little Alchemy 2?

Once you've made flour, you can use it to create a variety of other items. Here are some examples:

  • Bread
  • Cake
  • Pizza
  • Dough

Who knew that flour was such a versatile ingredient?


Making flour in Little Alchemy 2 is easy and fun. All you need is wheat and stone, and you're good to go. And once you've made flour, you can use it to create all sorts of tasty treats. So why not give it a try and see what you can come up with?