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Unleash Your Creativity: Learn How to Draw a Furry Character Like a Pro

How To Draw A Furry

Learn how to draw a furry character step by step with our easy-to-follow tutorial. Perfect for beginners and seasoned artists alike!

Want to learn how to draw a furry? Well, you've come to the right place! Drawing furries can seem daunting at first, but with a few tips and tricks, you'll be creating your own anthropomorphic animal characters in no time. So, grab your pencils and let's get started!

First things first, let's talk about the basics. When it comes to drawing furries, you need to have a good grasp on anatomy. After all, these characters are essentially a combination of human and animal features. But don't worry, you don't need to be a master of anatomy to get started. Just make sure you understand the basic proportions of the human body and the animal you're trying to depict.

Now, onto the fun stuff – adding fur! One of the most important things to keep in mind when drawing furries is texture. Fur adds a whole new dimension to your character, so it's important to get it right. Start by adding basic lines to depict the direction of the fur, then gradually add more detail as you go along.

Another key aspect of drawing furries is color. While there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to color choices, it's important to consider the animal you're basing your character on. For example, if you're drawing a fox furry, you might want to incorporate shades of orange and brown into the design.

Of course, no furry is complete without accessories. From clothing to jewelry to weapons, there are endless possibilities when it comes to accessorizing your character. Just remember, less is often more. A few carefully chosen accessories can add a lot to your character's design without overwhelming it.

Now, let's talk about some common mistakes to avoid when drawing furries. One common pitfall is overcomplicating the design. While it can be tempting to add as many details as possible, sometimes simplicity is key. Focus on the elements that are most important to your character's design and leave out the rest.

Another mistake to avoid is copying other artists' work too closely. While it's fine to draw inspiration from others, it's important to develop your own style and not simply copy someone else's. Experiment with different techniques and see what works best for you.

So, there you have it – a few tips and tricks to help you get started with drawing furries. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to make mistakes and keep trying until you get it right. Who knows, you might just create the next iconic furry character!


So you want to learn how to draw a furry? Well, you're in luck! I'm here to teach you the basics of drawing these fuzzy, anthropomorphic creatures. But before we dive into the tutorial, let's talk about what exactly a furry is.

What is a Furry?

A furry is an anthropomorphic animal character that often has human-like qualities, such as the ability to speak and walk on two legs. They can range from cute and cuddly to downright terrifying. Furries are often associated with the furry fandom, a subculture of people who are interested in anthropomorphic animals.

Gather Your Supplies

Before we begin drawing, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. You'll need a pencil, eraser, paper, and some colored pencils if you want to add some color to your drawing.

Start with Basic Shapes

To start drawing your furry, begin by sketching out some basic shapes. Use circles, ovals, and rectangles to create the body, head, and limbs of your character. Don't worry about making it perfect at this stage, just focus on getting the basic proportions right.

Add Some Details

Once you have the basic shapes down, it's time to start adding some details. Start with the eyes and nose, then move on to the ears and fur. Remember to keep the furry aspect in mind - add some tufts of hair around the ears and on the tail.

Don't Forget the Clothing

If you want to dress up your furry, now is the time to do so. Sketch out some clothes or accessories, but make sure they fit with the character's overall design. A punk rock jacket might not make sense on a cute, cuddly character!

Shading and Highlighting

Now that you have your furry sketched out, it's time to add some depth and dimension. Use shading and highlighting techniques to give your character a more realistic look. Pay attention to where the light source is coming from and shade accordingly.

Coloring Your Furry

If you want to add some color to your drawing, now is the time to do so. Use colored pencils or markers to bring your furry to life. Remember to keep the colors consistent with the character's overall design - a bright pink and green fur might not be the best choice for a dark and brooding character.

Add Some Background

Once you're happy with your furry, it's time to add some background. This could be anything from a simple pattern to a full-blown landscape. Just make sure it fits with the character's overall design and adds to the overall mood of the drawing.

Show It Off!

Congratulations, you've drawn your very own furry! Now it's time to show it off. Share it with your friends and fellow furries on social media or in online communities. You never know, you might just inspire someone else to pick up a pencil and start drawing their own fursona.


Drawing a furry can be a fun and rewarding experience. With a little practice and some patience, you can create your very own anthropomorphic animal character. So grab your supplies, let your imagination run wild, and start drawing your furry today!

How To Draw A Furry

Are you ready to unleash your inner artist and draw a furry? Fear not, my fellow art enthusiasts, for I am here to guide you through the process. So, let's lay down some 'feral-ly good' guidelines before we begin.

Lay down some 'feral-ly good' guidelines

First things first, grab a pencil and paper and get ready to sketch out some rough guidelines. Start by drawing a circle for the head and a larger circle for the body. From there, connect the two circles with a curved line for the neck. Next, draw a line down the center of the body and another line across for the shoulders. These guidelines will help you 'purr-fect' those proportions.

'Purr-fect' those proportions

Now that you have your guidelines in place, it's time to start adding some details. Start by drawing the eyes, nose, and mouth on the head circle. Make sure to pay attention to the size and placement of each feature to ensure your furry has an adorable expression. Then, add some pointed ears on top of the head and some fluffy ones on the sides. Don't 'fur-get' to fluff up that fur by adding some lines around the head and body to give your furry some texture.

Get the 'claw-sure' on the right paw placement

When it comes to drawing paws, things can get a bit tricky. But fear not, my friend, for I have some tips to help you get the 'claw-sure' on the right paw placement. Start by drawing the front paws slightly smaller than the back ones. Then, add some curved lines to create the toes and claws. Don't forget to add some fur around the paws to add some texture.

Add some 'tail-ented' details to the ears

Now that you have the basic structure of your furry in place, it's time to add some 'tail-ented' details. Start by adding some fur to the ears by drawing small lines around the edges. Then, draw a fluffy tail at the back of the body by adding some curved lines and fluffing up the fur.

'Whisker' away those mistakes with an eraser

If you make a mistake while drawing, don't fret! Simply grab your trusty eraser and 'whisker' away those mistakes. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.

'Paw-sitively' draw those adorable paws

Now that you have the basic structure in place, it's time to focus on the paws. Start by drawing the front paws slightly smaller than the back ones, and add some curved lines to create the toes and claws. Don't forget to add some fur around the paws to add some texture.

'Fur-mulate' a cute expression on that face

You're almost there! Now it's time to add some personality to your furry by creating a cute expression on its face. Add some eyebrows above the eyes, and some blush marks on the cheeks. And voila! You've 'fur-mulated' a cute expression on your furry.

Add some 'woof-WOW' with a dynamic pose

If you want to take your furry drawing to the next level, try adding a dynamic pose. Draw your furry in action, such as running or jumping, to add some 'woof-WOW' to your artwork.

'Furbulous' job! You've mastered drawing a furry.

Congratulations, my fellow artist! You've mastered the art of drawing a furry. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to keep honing your skills and trying new things. Who knows, you may just become the next 'paw-some' furry artist.

How to Draw a Furry: A Humorous Guide


Are you feeling artistic, but also have a love for anthropomorphic animals? Then get ready to learn how to draw a furry with this humorous guide! With a few simple steps and a bit of creativity, you'll be able to bring your own unique furry character to life.

Step 1: Choose Your Species

First things first, you need to decide what kind of furry you want to draw. Do you want to draw a fox, wolf, cat, or maybe something more exotic like a dragon or unicorn? The possibilities are endless, so choose wisely.


  • Species
  • Fox
  • Wolf
  • Cat
  • Dragon
  • Unicorn

Step 2: Add Some Flair

Now that you've decided on a species, it's time to add some personal touches to your furry. Maybe they have a favorite hat or scarf, or perhaps they like to wear a certain piece of jewelry. Get creative and think outside the box!


  • Personal Touches
  • Hat
  • Scarf
  • Jewelry

Step 3: The Face

When it comes to drawing a furry, the face is arguably the most important part. You'll want to decide on the shape of the face and the placement of the eyes, nose, and mouth. Don't forget to add some cute, fluffy ears!


  • Face
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Mouth
  • Ears

Step 4: The Body

Now it's time to bring your furry's body to life. Decide on the size and shape of their body, as well as any special features like wings or a tail. And don't forget to make them extra fluffy!


  • Body
  • Size
  • Shape
  • Wings
  • Tail
  • Fluffy

Step 5: Color and Texture

Finally, it's time to add some color and texture to your furry. Decide on their fur color and pattern, and think about any additional textures like scales or feathers. And voila! You've successfully drawn your very own furry.


  • Color
  • Texture
  • Fur
  • Pattern
  • Scales
  • Feathers


Congratulations, you've completed your furry masterpiece! Remember, there's no right or wrong way to draw a furry, so don't be afraid to get creative and have fun with it.

Farewell, Fellow Furry Fanatics!

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our fur-tastic journey on How to Draw a Furry. We hope you've enjoyed this wild ride as much as we have! But before we say our goodbyes, let's review some of the key points we've covered in this article.

First things first, we talked about what a furry is and what makes them so unique. From their animal-like features to their vibrant personalities, furries are a fascinating subculture that has taken the internet by storm.

Then, we dove into the nitty-gritty of drawing a furry from scratch. We discussed the importance of reference images, sketching out a basic frame, and adding those all-important details that make your furry truly unique.

Of course, we couldn't forget about the fur! We explored different techniques for creating realistic-looking fur, including using short, choppy strokes and layering various shades of color.

And let's not forget about the eyes - the windows to the soul! We gave tips on how to create expressive, lifelike eyes that capture the essence of your furry character.

But perhaps the most important lesson we learned in this article was to have fun and let our creativity run wild. Drawing a furry is all about tapping into your imagination and bringing your wildest ideas to life. So don't be afraid to experiment and try new things!

As we wrap up this article, we want to thank you for joining us on this furry adventure. We hope you've learned something new and feel inspired to create your own outrageous fursona.

And who knows? Maybe one day you'll become a famous furry artist, with legions of fans clamoring for your next masterpiece. But until then, keep practicing and never stop exploring your creativity!

So with that, we bid you farewell, fellow furry fanatics. May your pencils be sharp, your colors bright, and your imaginations boundless.

People Also Ask: How To Draw A Furry

What is a Furry?

A furry is a person who has an interest in anthropomorphic animals. These are animals with human-like traits such as talking, walking upright, and wearing clothes.

How do I start drawing a furry?

First, decide on what kind of animal you want to draw. Then, gather reference images of that animal to help you understand its anatomy and characteristics. Next, sketch out the basic shapes of the body and add details such as fur and clothing.

Pro Tip:

Remember to keep the proportions of the character in mind, as anthropomorphic animals often have exaggerated features.

What materials do I need to draw a furry?

You can use any art materials you prefer, such as pencils, pens, markers, or digital software. It's important to choose materials that you're comfortable using and that allow you to create the effects you want.

Pro Tip:

Experiment with different materials to find out which ones work best for you and your style.

How do I give my furry character personality?

Add unique features to your furry such as a distinctive hairstyle or a favorite accessory. Consider their backstory and think about how it might influence their personality. You can also play around with expressions and body language to convey different emotions.

Pro Tip:

Don't be afraid to get creative and have fun with your character!

Can anyone learn to draw a furry?

Yes, anyone can learn to draw a furry with practice and dedication. It's important to remember that everyone has their own unique style and that there's no right or wrong way to create art.

Pro Tip:

Don't give up if your first attempts don't turn out the way you want them to. Keep practicing and you'll improve over time!