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Unlock the Power of Cosmoem in Pokemon Go: A Step-by-Step Guide to Evolution

How To Evolve Cosmoem Pokemon Go

Learn how to evolve Cosmoem in Pokemon Go with our step-by-step guide. Don't miss out on this powerful Psychic-type Pokemon!

So, you've finally managed to get your hands on a Cosmoem in Pokemon Go. Congratulations! But now comes the tricky part - evolving it into the powerful Solgaleo or Lunala. Don't worry, we've got you covered with this guide on How to Evolve Cosmoem in Pokemon Go.

First things first, let's talk about the basics. Cosmoem is a rare Pokemon that evolves into either Solgaleo or Lunala. However, unlike most other Pokemon, it cannot be evolved through traditional means like leveling up or using a stone. Instead, you'll need to use a special item called a Cosmic Candy to trigger its evolution.

Now, before you start panicking about where to find this Cosmic Candy, let us assure you that it's not as daunting as it sounds. You can obtain it by completing certain tasks or challenges in-game. So, keep an eye out for any events or missions that offer this valuable item.

Once you have the Cosmic Candy, the next step is to use it on your Cosmoem. But wait, there's a catch! You can only use the Cosmic Candy during a specific time of day. If you try to use it outside of these hours, it won't work.

So, when is the right time to use the Cosmic Candy, you ask? Well, it depends on whether you want to evolve your Cosmoem into Solgaleo or Lunala. If you want Solgaleo, use the Cosmic Candy during the day. And if you want Lunala, use it at night.

Once you've used the Cosmic Candy at the appropriate time, your Cosmoem will begin to evolve. But here's where things get interesting - the evolution process is not instant. In fact, it takes a whopping 30 minutes to complete!

During this time, your Cosmoem will undergo a transformation unlike anything you've seen before. It will glow with a mysterious energy and slowly transform into either Solgaleo or Lunala, depending on your choice.

Now, we know what you're thinking - 30 minutes? That's an eternity in Pokemon Go time! But fear not, there are ways to speed up the process. One way is to use a special item called an Evolution Accelerator, which can be obtained through certain events or missions.

Another way is to simply keep playing the game while your Cosmoem evolves. Use this time to catch other Pokemon, battle at gyms, or just explore the world of Pokemon Go. Before you know it, your Cosmoem will have evolved into the majestic Solgaleo or Lunala.

So, there you have it - our guide on How to Evolve Cosmoem in Pokemon Go. We hope this article has been helpful in your quest to obtain one of the most powerful Pokemon in the game. Now go out there and catch 'em all!


So, you have finally caught a Cosmoem in Pokemon Go. Congratulations! But now you are stuck wondering how to evolve it into the mighty Solgaleo or Lunala. Don't worry; we have got your back. In this article, we will guide you through the process of evolving Cosmoem and help you become the proud owner of Solgaleo or Lunala. So, sit tight and get ready for some fun.

What is Cosmoem?

Before we dive into the evolution process, let's talk about what Cosmoem is. Cosmoem is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokemon that was introduced in Generation VII. It is the pre-evolved form of Solgaleo and Lunala, two of the most powerful Pokemon in the game. Cosmoem has some impressive stats, but it is not much use in battles until it evolves. So, let's see how we can make that happen.

Getting the Right Resources:

To evolve Cosmoem, you need two things: enough candies and a special item called a Sun Stone or a Moon Stone. You can get candies by catching more Cosmoem or by transferring them to Professor Willow. However, getting a Sun Stone or a Moon Stone is a bit trickier. They are rare items that you can get from PokeStops, opening gifts, or completing research tasks. So, start collecting them as soon as possible.

Picking the Right Evolution:

Before you evolve Cosmoem, you need to decide which form you want it to take: Solgaleo or Lunala. This decision is crucial because it determines the type of stone you need to use. If you want Solgaleo, you need to use a Sun Stone, and if you want Lunala, you need to use a Moon Stone. So, choose wisely, my friend.

Evolving Cosmoem:

Now that you have everything you need let's evolve Cosmoem. First, make sure you have enough candies and the right stone in your inventory. Then, go to your Pokemon list and select Cosmoem. Tap on the Evolve button, and voila! Your Cosmoem will evolve into either Solgaleo or Lunala, depending on your choice. Congratulations, you have done it!

The Power of Solgaleo:

If you chose to evolve Cosmoem into Solgaleo, you made an excellent decision. Solgaleo is a Steel/Psychic-type Pokemon with some incredible stats. It has high attack and defense, making it an excellent choice for battles. Plus, it has a unique ability called Full Metal Body, which prevents its stats from being lowered by other Pokemon's moves. So, get ready to dominate the battlefield with Solgaleo.

The Majesty of Lunala:

If you opted for Lunala, you have made a wise choice as well. Lunala is a Ghost/Psychic-type Pokemon with impressive stats. It has high special attack and speed, making it a formidable opponent. Plus, it has a unique ability called Shadow Shield, which reduces the damage it takes when its health is full. So, get ready to rule the night with Lunala.

Using Solgaleo and Lunala:

Now that you have evolved Cosmoem, it's time to put Solgaleo or Lunala to use. These Pokemon are incredibly powerful, and you will want to use them in battles. They are especially useful in raids or gym battles where you need a strong Pokemon to take down opponents. Plus, they look pretty cool, so you will enjoy showing them off to your friends.

Final Thoughts:

Evolving Cosmoem into Solgaleo or Lunala is a significant milestone in your Pokemon Go journey. It takes some effort and patience, but it's worth it. You now have two of the most powerful Pokemon in the game at your disposal. So, get out there and start catching more Cosmoem, collecting candies, and stones. Who knows, you might even catch a shiny one someday.


We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the evolution process of Cosmoem. Remember to have fun and enjoy the game. Pokemon Go is all about exploring, catching, and battling with your favorite Pokemon. Now that you have Solgaleo or Lunala by your side, nothing can stop you. Happy gaming!

The Secret Art of Cosmo-flipping

So, you've caught yourself a Cosmoem in Pokemon Go and you're ready to evolve it into Lunala or Solgaleo. Congratulations! But hold on, before you get too excited, know that this process is not going to be easy. It's going to require patience, persistence, and lots of stardust. But fear not, for I am here to guide you through the cosmic grind.

Just Keep Spinning: A Guide to Cosmoem Evolution

The first thing you need to know about evolving Cosmoem is that it involves spinning. A lot of spinning. You see, Cosmoem evolves through a process called cosmo-flipping. This means that you need to spin your phone 360 degrees while holding it upright in order to trigger the evolution. It's kind of like doing a pirouette, but with your phone instead of your body.Now, I know what you're thinking: That sounds ridiculous. And you're right, it is ridiculous. But it's also the only way to evolve Cosmoem, so you better get used to it. I recommend practicing your cosmo-flipping technique in a safe, open space where you won't accidentally knock anything over or hit anyone in the face with your phone.

Shaking Things Up: The Cosmoem Shuffle

In addition to cosmo-flipping, there's another trick you can use to speed up the evolution process: the Cosmoem Shuffle. This involves shaking your phone vigorously while holding down the evolve button. It's like you're trying to shake the evolution out of your phone.I'm not exactly sure why the Cosmoem Shuffle works, but I think it has something to do with the vibrations stimulating the cosmic energy inside your phone. Or maybe it's just a placebo effect. Either way, it doesn't hurt to give it a try.

Cosmoem Evolution 101: Patience, Persistence, and Lots of Stardust

Now, here's the part you've been dreading: the waiting game. Evolving Cosmoem takes time. A lot of time. You'll need to feed it stardust and candy, and then wait for the cosmic energy to build up inside it.The key to surviving this process is patience and persistence. Keep feeding your Cosmoem stardust and candy every chance you get, and keep cosmo-flipping and shuffling whenever you're feeling antsy. Eventually, you'll start to see the progress bar inching towards completion.

From Nugget to Lunala: How to Evolve Cosmoem Without Breaking the Bank

One thing you might be worried about is how much this whole process is going to cost you. After all, stardust and candy don't come cheap. But fear not, my frugal friends, for there are ways to evolve Cosmoem without breaking the bank.First, make sure you're taking advantage of any stardust bonuses or events that are currently happening in the game. This will help you accumulate stardust faster and save you some cash.Second, don't waste your stardust on powering up your Cosmoem before it evolves. It's not worth it. Save your stardust for when you have a fully-evolved Lunala or Solgaleo.

Are We There Yet? Surviving the Long Haul to Cosmoem Evolution

Let's be real, evolving Cosmoem is a long, tedious process. It can take weeks, or even months, depending on how much you play the game. So how do you stay sane during this cosmic grind?One strategy is to set daily or weekly goals for yourself. For example, you could aim to feed your Cosmoem a certain amount of stardust each day, or catch a certain number of Pokemon to earn candy. Breaking the process down into smaller, manageable chunks can help make it feel less overwhelming.Another strategy is to distract yourself with other aspects of the game. Maybe there's a gym you've been wanting to take over, or a raid battle you've been meaning to join. Focusing on these other goals can help make the time go by faster.

Cosmoem: The Little Pokemon That Could (But Only with Your Help)

At the end of the day, evolving Cosmoem is a team effort. You and your little nugget of cosmic potential are in this together. It's up to you to provide the stardust, candy, and cosmic energy needed to transform it into a powerful Lunala or Solgaleo.So keep grinding, keep flipping, and keep shuffling. And one day, when you least expect it, you'll see that progress bar fill up and your Cosmoem will evolve before your very eyes. It's a magical moment that makes all the cosmic grinding worth it.

Level Up Your Cosmoem Evolution Strategy: Tips and Tricks from the Pros

If you're really serious about evolving Cosmoem, you might want to take some tips from the pros. There are plenty of online forums and communities dedicated to Pokemon Go strategy, and you can find all sorts of advice on how to optimize your cosmo-flipping, stardust spending, and candy collecting.Some of the most common tips include using a lucky egg during the evolution process to double your XP gains, catching as many Pokemon as possible to earn more candy, and walking your Cosmoem as your buddy to earn candy faster.

Cosmoem and Chill: Relaxing Ways to Pass the Time While Waiting for Evolution

Let's face it, sometimes you just need a break from the cosmic grind. Luckily, there are plenty of relaxing ways to pass the time while waiting for Cosmoem to evolve.You could take a leisurely stroll through a nearby park or nature reserve, enjoying the fresh air and scenery. Or you could treat yourself to a nice meal or snack at your favorite restaurant or cafe. Maybe you could even catch up on some reading or binge-watch your favorite show.The point is, don't let the cosmic grind consume your entire life. Take breaks when you need to, and come back to the game feeling refreshed and energized.

The Cosmic Grind: How to Keep Your Sanity while Evolving Cosmoem

Finally, let's talk about how to maintain your sanity during the cosmic grind. It's easy to get frustrated or burnt out when you're playing a game for hours on end, but there are things you can do to keep yourself feeling balanced and centered.One strategy is to take breaks regularly, as mentioned above. Another is to practice mindfulness or meditation to help calm your mind and reduce stress. You could also try listening to calming music or spending time in nature to help soothe your soul.Remember, evolving Cosmoem is supposed to be fun, not a chore. So don't let it drive you crazy. Take things one step at a time, enjoy the journey, and before you know it, you'll have a powerful Lunala or Solgaleo by your side.

How to Evolve Cosmoem in Pokemon Go

The Struggle is Real

Have you ever been stuck with a Cosmoem in Pokemon Go? That little ball of space rock that just won't seem to evolve no matter what you do? Well, my friend, you are not alone. Many trainers have struggled with the enigma that is Cosmoem.

The Problem with Cosmoem

Cosmoem is one of the most difficult Pokemon to evolve in the game. It requires a whopping 400 candies to evolve it into its final form, Solgaleo or Lunala. That's right, you read it correctly, 400 candies! It's like trying to climb Mount Everest with a broken leg.

To make matters worse, Cosmoem cannot be caught in the wild. The only way to obtain one is by evolving a Cosmog, which itself is a rare and elusive Pokemon. So, once you finally get your hands on a Cosmoem, the pressure is on to evolve it into its final form.

The Solution

After much trial and error, I have discovered a foolproof method to evolve Cosmoem. Are you ready for it? Brace yourself. Here it is: You need to give it love and attention. Yes, you heard me right. Love and attention. Cosmoem is not just a Pokemon, it's a sentient being that requires emotional support to evolve.

Here are some tips on how to give your Cosmoem the love and attention it needs to evolve:

  1. Talk to your Cosmoem daily. Tell it that it's special and that you believe in it.
  2. Take your Cosmoem on walks. Even if it doesn't have legs, carry it around and show it the world.
  3. Give your Cosmoem treats. Maybe a rare candy or two every now and then.
  4. Play games with your Cosmoem. Maybe a round of Pokemon Go or a game of hide and seek.

By following these simple steps, you will not only help your Cosmoem evolve, but you will also form a deep bond with it that will last a lifetime.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, evolving Cosmoem in Pokemon Go is no easy feat. It requires a lot of love and attention, but the end result is well worth it. So, go out there and show your Cosmoem some love. Who knows? You may just evolve it into a powerful Solgaleo or Lunala.

Keywords Definition
Cosmoem A Pokemon that evolves into Solgaleo or Lunala
Pokemon Go An augmented reality mobile game where players can catch and train Pokemon
Solgaleo A Legendary Pokemon that is part of the Sunne duo with Lunala
Lunala A Legendary Pokemon that is part of the Moone duo with Solgaleo

Don't Let Cosmoem Hold You Back!

Well, that's all folks! We've covered everything you need to know about evolving your Cosmoem in Pokemon Go. It's been a wild ride, but with our tips and tricks, you'll finally be able to evolve that pesky little creature into the mighty Solgaleo or Lunala.

But before we part ways, let's take a moment to reflect on what we've learned. First off, we discovered that evolving Cosmoem requires a bit of patience and dedication. It's not an easy task, but it's certainly worth it in the end.

Next, we talked about the importance of having enough candy to evolve Cosmoem. This means catching as many Cosmog as possible and walking them as your buddy Pokemon. It's a great way to earn candy and get some exercise at the same time. Win-win!

We also discussed the benefits of using rare candies to evolve Cosmoem. While they can be hard to come by, they're definitely worth saving up for if you're eager to evolve your Cosmoem as quickly as possible. Just make sure to use them wisely!

Another important point we covered was the role of the Alola region in Cosmoem's evolution. If you want to evolve your Cosmoem into Solgaleo or Lunala, you'll need to have visited the Alola region and caught the appropriate legendary Pokemon. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's all part of the fun, right?

Of course, we can't forget about the power of friendship in Pokemon Go. By bonding with your Cosmoem, you'll be able to evolve it more quickly and easily. And who knows? You might even form a lifelong friendship with your new Solgaleo or Lunala.

And finally, we talked about the importance of staying positive and persistent. Evolving Cosmoem is no easy feat, but with a bit of determination and a lot of luck, you'll get there eventually.

So there you have it, folks! We hope you've enjoyed our guide on how to evolve Cosmoem in Pokemon Go. Remember, it's all about patience, dedication, and having fun along the way. Happy hunting!

People Also Ask: How To Evolve Cosmoem Pokemon Go?

What is Cosmoem?

Cosmoem is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation VII. It evolves from Cosmog and evolves into either Solgaleo or Lunala.

What do I need to evolve Cosmoem?

To evolve Cosmoem, you need 100 candies and an evolution item called a Sun Stone for Solgaleo or a Moon Stone for Lunala. You can get these items by spinning PokéStops or opening gifts from friends.

How do I get Cosmoem?

You can only obtain Cosmoem by evolving Cosmog. Cosmog can be obtained through special events or by hatching 7km eggs received from gifts.

Can I choose between evolving Cosmoem into Solgaleo or Lunala?

No, the evolution into either Solgaleo or Lunala is random. The only way to guarantee which one you get is by trading with someone who has the opposite evolution.

Is it worth evolving Cosmoem?

Definitely! Solgaleo and Lunala are both incredibly powerful and valuable additions to any Pokémon team. Plus, evolving Cosmoem is a rare accomplishment that will impress your fellow trainers.

Any tips for evolving Cosmoem?

Yes! Make sure you have enough candies and evolution items before attempting to evolve Cosmoem. Also, try to evolve Cosmoem during a Lucky Egg event to maximize your experience points. And most importantly, don't forget to celebrate your awesome new Pokémon!